Dog Barking: What Does It Mean?

Did you know that there are several ways to bark? The barking dog may do so out of fear, anger, playfulness, and even sadness. Let's find out the different meanings of the bark and how to manage it.

Dog barking: the reasons

One of the most common reasons a dog barks is fear or victory. It does this to warn the rival dog or as a warning to other dogs in the neighborhood that something is about to happen.

But a dog can also bark to communicate to his owner how good he was (maybe chasing a fly). Or because he feels lonely or bored.

When it is continuous, it is referred to as a bark, and is generally used by the dog chasing its prey. In this case, however, it is an expression of excitement or joy. The puppies use the bark to respond to the game, while the mother can bark at them to scold them.

Some dogs bark to seek contact, to communicate a need to humans (for example, hunger). Sometimes he barks for attention or consideration, but it can also be due to a physical ailment that creates pain.

There are some sensory deficits, for example due to senility, in which persistent and prolonged barking is the norm. Often, the dog barks to send a warning or when faced with an enemy.

How to decrease a dog's barking?

Once you have established that your faithful friend does not have a physical ailment, it is a good idea to investigate the causes of his barking and resolve them. Besides the below mentioned remedies, you can also use an anti-bark device to prevent your dog from dog. One such device is BarxBuddy which emits high pitched frequencies that are completely harmless to dogs. It is a handy device for training dogs and prevent them from barking. Read this BarxBuddy review to know more about the useful device.

If he barks in defense

If he is barking for defensive purposes, it is advisable not to scold him to silence him. This, in fact, would only increase his nervousness, leading you to obtain the opposite effect.

The dog may bark in fear

The best solution is to calm him down, to let him know that there is nothing to worry about. In the event that the dog barks from loneliness, it will be necessary to get him used to his routine, if possible, little by little. And don't forget to greet him warmly every time.

But beware, the hysterical dog barks at anything that moves. If this is your case, this may be the effect of early adoption. In fact, it is only after 60-90 days of life that he will have learned, through contact with his parents, to contain aggression and biting even when his safety distance is violated.

If he barks for play or cuddles

The puppy who barks because he wants to play all the time will be ignored. He will react similarly if he is bored or wants to cuddle. If, on the other hand, he is trying to express a need, such as a need to drink or go out, let him know that he shouldn't.


Animal habits and attitudes can be surprising, especially once you discover how similar they are to us humans. This is the case with the barking dog. Above we have enumerated why dogs bark and what sense it makes for our four-legged friends.


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